Dietary Guidance For Healthy Life(U.S.A./JAPAN)

1.Dietary guideline of USA &Japan

Dietary Guidelines for Americans(By USDA & USDHHS)
(1)Eat a variety of foods.
(2)Balance the food you eat with physical activity-maintain or improve your weight.
(3)Choose a diet with plenty of grain prpducts,vegetables,and fruits.
(4)Choose a diet low in fat ,saturated fat ,and cholesterol.
(5)Choose a diet moderate in sugars.
(6)Choose a diet moderate in salt and sodium.
(7)If you drink alcholic beverages,do so in moderation.

The Food Guide Pyramid

What Dietary Guidelines for Americans says is the Japanese Diet Style Itself!
Japanese eat many kinds of foods such as fishes ,meats ,leaves and roots of vegetables ,fruits ,and rice is the staple food of Japanese.(1)(3)
The intake of total calorie per day of average Japanese is 1800
Japanese people likely eat fish such as Tuna and Yellow tale those contain omega 3 fatty acid enough.(4)
Most Japanese cuisine are moderate in sugar and salt.(5)
Only the item of (7) is the only exeption and I think it depends on individiuals.

It is an outline of what to eat each day based on the Dietary Guidelines(listed above)for Americans as general guide to choose healthful diet .

The Standard of Dietary Life For Japanese Adults(As an Example)
The Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan/March As One of Action for Kenko Nippon 21[Action Plan For Healthy Life Toward 21Centuries](,2000)

2. Healthy Eating Tips(by C.D.C.)

3.Physical Activity &Good Nutrition (by C.D.C.)

4.Aim for a Healthy Weight:Information for Patients and the Public(by NHLBI / NIH.)

5.Food Exchange Lst (by NHLBI/NIH)

6.Stay Young At Heart/Receipes : Cooking the Heart-Healthy Way(by NHLBI/NIH)


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