Eating Fish In Japanese Style
How to Eat Fish

Eating Habits of Japanese
Japanese eating habits are remarkably different from the European and American people's. The one of features of Japanese eating habits is that the rice is staple food . Rice is healthy cereals which chiefly contain starch and the protein. Moreover, we can eat rice by harmonizing with various foods well because rice does not have individuality of the taste besides there is some sweetness.
Therefore, we can enjoy a delicate taste of the harmony of rice and variety of food materials in Japanese traditional cuisine.

The key points of Japanese eating habits are as follows:

1.Feature of Japanese Cuisine
(1)To express a sense of the season.
(2)To use a variety of food materials.
(3)To think 5taste,5sense,5color,5ways

5 taste: sweet, salty, sour ,bitter, hot
5 sense:color, sound, smell, warmth, coolness
5 colors: white ,black, yellow, red, blue
5ways: broil, simmer,fry, steam, vineger

2.Essential 2 materials of Japanese Cuisine

If you can prepare those two essential materials, everything OK for cooking Japanese cuisine. The salt, sugar, and the vegetable oil, etc. besides these are also used ,but they are easily obtained everywhere in the world.

(1)Rice :As a staple food/How to Cook Rice
Soy sauce:For Simmer or Dip

3.Outline of Cooking Fish

There are 5 Major Ways for Cooking Fish.

Outline of Cooking

Proper Fish


Slice raw fish
Cut fillet of fish to flat-cut or square cut .
Eat with a dip of soy sauce and grated Japanese horse radish

Vinegered Fish

Slice raw or boiled octopus or fish meat drop into vineger solutuion(vineger 1: soysauce1: dashi soup or water 2 of table spoon). If it need , sugar is added slightly .

1.Tuna,Bonito,Yellow Tale. SeaBream, Squid

2.Octopus, boiled Squid, Sea Bream, Sardine , Mackerel

Broiled fish
Grilled fish

1.In case of Whole body(Small fish)

Draw the entrails and wash with water to remove remaining organs and blood, and pat dry.
Sprinkle salt slightly and broil it.

In case of fillet
Cut in proper size and sprinkle salt sligtly ,and broile it..
(Very Simple!)

SHIOYAKI(with salt)
TERIYAKI(with soy sauce,sake, and sugar
1.Horse- Mackerel, Sardine, Sea Bream, Flatfish, Mackerel

2.Mackerel, Salmon, Scabbard fish
Yelow tale (good for


Simmer Fillet or cleaned whole body of small fish(above mentioned) with soy sauce , sake(rice wine) ,dashi soup or water and sugar if it need .It is highly recommended to add some pieces of ginger to reduce fishly odor.
Sea Bream,
Scabbard fish, Mackerel, Cod, Yellow tale , Bonito, Flatfish,
Horse- Mackerel, Sardine, Squid,Octopus

Deep Fry

Coat the piece of fillet of fish or shrimp with flour solution(egg + ice water 1: flour1) and fry them with enough hot vegetable oil at the temperature of 330-340F.

Fried with bread crumbs
Coat the piece of fillet of fish or shrimp with stirred egg and then with bread crumbs .Fry them as Tenpura.

Fried as they are.
Pat dry cleaned whole body of small fish or proper size of fillet with flour sligtly.
Fry as Tenpura.
In case of small fish,it is recommended to fry enough to eat even fish bone .

1. Shrimp(very popular), Sardine, Squid (peel and dry with flour to avoid explosion), Sillago,Pond smelt, Clam

2. Shrimp(very popular),
Sardine, Squid (peel and dry with flour to avoid explosion),
Tuna,Salmon, Horse- Mackerel, Scallop

3.Horse- Mackerel (wholebody), Flatfish,
Small Shrimp, Scabbard fish, Mackerel


Steamed with sake(rice wine)
Sprinkle fillet with sake and salt and leave them as they are for about ten minuites.
Steam over high heat in a preheated steamer.
Snapper,Sea Bream,Mackerel, Cod ,Clam

For Reference(Cooking in Other Style)
Fish Heads Cooking Advice

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